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Arena 2
Slightly smaller than itŐs counterpart, this arena is somewhat less used but still well maintained. In a storage room are several sizes and styles of jumps. Again, you are free to use them whenever.
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Subject: *Walks in, led by Rhiannon*

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Date Posted: 14:35:11 01/07/02 Mon

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Subject: WAlks in

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Date Posted: 09:34:21 11/24/01 Sat

just coming from the first arena. HE sees jumps and rears. He didn't think he was that old. He strrted cantering around the ring and on his 3rd time around doubled back and started the course. He cleared it with 4 inches extra. The second was ok, as was the third. But he flew over the rest. FInally, the last jump. He cleared it by a mile. he sllid to a stop and whinnied, he had thought he did a good job.

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Subject: Leads Fuse inside

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Date Posted: 17:50:57 11/07/01 Wed

Ties him securly to a post then gets a few jumps out. Most are short and easy but the last one is a tricky combination. She walks back to him and tightens the grith, grining up at the displeased look on his face. She mounts and kicks him lightly. "Lets do a few laps first. You're not superman you know."

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