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Date Posted: 15:10:40 02/23/04 Mon
Author: Macha
Subject: Mhmmm.
In reply to: Badhbh 's message, "If?" on 13:46:40 02/23/04 Mon

And if we reduce the number of games, we could have a moved, workable version sooner--and we could leisurely work on setting up the other games while the popular ones still work. However, in that, Morrigan's Wrath is not and has never been a particularly popular game, member-wise--my member count equals one right now (only because one of them pops up in my Fortress every now and again) and has never been particularly high. I've also wanted to see if I could put into place a shaman system, as some of the members wanted to use magic--that probably would be best included when the game is on pause, rather than in the swing of things.
If An'kor is going to be restored, they're similar types--perhaps we should focus on a bit of a broader spectrum first, and then pull in other games of similar types? Lost Colony is futuristic, An'kor is medieval. I'm not going to stop being Guardian of Morrigan's Wrath, but if we cut back and Morrigan's Wrath is not on the original release sheet, I'd be willing to be acting guardian on any of the others... But whatever.

Moving on...

Yeah, I am pretty experienced in web building... As for web building itself, I use Notepad, so it's pretty much compatible with any editor out there :) I tried Dreamweaver for a day or two (after I'd learned HTML) and I couldn't get a desirable result with the whole WYSIWYG thing... So I just opened up a window and tweaked the code myself, and everything turned out the way I wanted it. Funny how it works...
Frames are supposedly 'out of fashion' now, but I don't see why--they work just fine for what we need them for. I've been working with frames recently and I too have been having some troubles (they put little margins between the frames! augh!) but I think the comp I was using at the time is to blame, and II'm sure that between all of us, we can get frames to behave.
As for the banner-situation, my hypothesis is that Tripod realized that their banners were messing up frames (Bravenet has banners just like them, only they don't allow frames for that reason) and has a simple popup instead of a banner when it realizes that it's a frame page... But that's as much of a guess as I care to make right now... No need to jinx the fact that they don't have banners...

The *best* free host I've seen thus far is Freewebs--no banner ads, just a little line on the bottom saying "This page is hosted by Freewebs - get your free page here" or something like that. It's got all the bells and whistles anyone could possibly hope for in a free host, and its... FREE! http://www.freewebs.com/ <- check it out, see what you think. It's got a HUGE amount of space (50MB) and we can get up to 100MB of space if we need it. That also means that we could host the whole site on one host--instead of having bits and pieces of it scattered around the web.

I could whip something up for the home Dreamscape site, if you guys want me to (I've got a few other sites to finish for people, first, but they won't take me much longer than a day or two). You'd just have to give me a fairly vivid picture of what you want it to look like--either in words or with ASCII art and numbers, or however else you inventive people can think of doing these things. I'm terrible (and I mean TERRIBLE) at banners and other such images, so that particular bit of work is someone else's job :)
I could also work on templates or something for the games, which'd let you people focus on content, how it's arranged, and other stuff, if you want. That would also keep the site looking uniform, but it would also mean I have to comment my code (which I should do, anyway...)
Which also reminds me--perhaps we should exchange e-mail addresses so we can pester each other off the boards (and keep any necessary things secret, like passwords or surprises)? Mine is zelda_master_epona@yahoo.ca, and I do have MSN messenger if anyone wants to contact me that way (if you do, drop me a line... 'cuz I'm likely not posting that address here).

I can start whenever (in a day or two, at least). Now the question remains: who's doing what, which games are going to be the first ones out, what does this site gonna look like, and when are we aiming to get it finished?

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