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Date Posted: 20:45:20 08/24/10 Tue
Author: sk
Author Host/IP: reserved.sitespecific.com /
Subject: this is getting twisty
In reply to: BJ 's message, "Can't find a story" on 07:47:21 08/19/10 Thu

I know this is messy, and I'm sorry for the confusion.

Kathleen wrote "I Stand at the Fringes," one of those stories that caught lots of LFN fans off-guard with its "M and N are not together" ending -- very O'Henry.

I wrote a fairly sticky story that was set in the same universe as Kathleen's story and posted it on one of the storyboards (I can't remember which one) I think it was the first LFN thing I posted, and the response was very kind, especially considering that it was pretty sentimental and way too wordy.

Kathleen wrote another story set in the same universe as "Fringes" and in the same time frame, which is also in Ranma's archive here


And then, much later, she started another one, that she didn't finish. She got pretty far into it, and suggested some connections between characters in the first two stories that weren't spelled out there, but I don't think it was ever archived.

During one of the massive 'tidy up the archive' efforts that Ranma has done to great acclaim, my response story was accidentally archived in Kathleen's section as "Fringes 2." I saw it listed in one of the updates that R posts on the storyboards, and though I was very flattered, it didn't seem fair to Kathleen to take up space in her fiction universe, so I wrote to Ranma and asked that she take that down, which she did promptly. At some point, I need to clean up my stuff and submit them to the archives, but I don't have the time right now and they need some work before I could send them along.

I'm not sure if Kathleen still answers mail at her Mindspring address


but you can certainly try to contact her. She was very cordial when I wrote her initially about posting my response story.

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