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Subject: How to Fix Missing Or Corrupt Hal.dll Error in Windows XP

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Date Posted: 10:55:34 11/29/08 Sat

If one of the following error messages is displayed as Windows is booting up (before you see your desktop, but after the POST screen), you have a corrupt HAL.dll file:
• “Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
\system32\hal.dll. Please re-install a copy of the above file.”
• Winnt_root>\System32\Hal.dll missing or corrupt:
Please re-install a copy of the above file.”
• “Cannot find \Windows\System32\hal.dll”
• “Cannot find hal.dll”
This problem is usually fixable, but it takes some work. TO fix the error, you will need access to a Windows XP installation CD.

1. Get to the recovery console (See instructions below).
2. Type bootcfg /default and press enter. Wait for the process to complete.
3. Type fixboot and press enter. Wait for the command to complete.
4. Reboot your computer (type exit in the recovery console) and see if the error has been corrected. If not, continue on.
5. Return to the recovery console.
6. Type expand d:\i386\hal.dl_ c:\windows\system32\hal.dll where d: is the drive letter of your CD-ROM and c: is the drive Windows XP is installed on.
7. If you are prompted to overwrite the file, press Y.
8. Restart the computer (type exit at the recovery console).
9. The problem should be fixed

How to Enter the Windows XP Recovery Console

1. Locate your Windows XP CD and insert it in your primary CD or CD/DVD drive.
2. Turn your PC on or restart your PC if it’s already running.
3. Instead of loading Windows XP, your computer should boot from the Windows XP CD and you should see a message to Press any key to boot from CD, as in the screen shot above.
4. Press any key to allow the computer to boot from the CD. If you do not press a key, your PC will continue to boot to the Windows XP installation on your hard drive as it normally does.
5. When the Windows XP Professional/Home Setup screen appears, press R to enter Recovery Console.
6. The Recovery Console is now loading but needs to know which Windows installation to access. Usually you just need to type 1 and press Enter.
7. You will then be prompted for the Administrator’s password. If you have never entered a password, don’t type anything, just press enter.
8. The recovery console is now ready for use.

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