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Subject: Joining

The Fighting Demon "Reggie"
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Date Posted: 15:12:02 01/02/02 Wed

Finally this is where I belong! I can't believe I've been falling for all these crappy e-feds and clubs that didn't offer me a chance at winning anything and then just one day boom, the Prez wants me to join altough he thought I was my brother when he found out that I wanted the job also he gladly accepted and this isn't the only time I've been to fight club! Oh no I've been here on several occassions hoping that maybe one day I would be able to join and I would be the key player here and I believe that's where I'm headed and Prez I want you to know what ever you do I will have your back like maybe lets say invading and destroying the TEF. But enough with this mushy shit! I came here for one thing and one thing only and that's......... GOLD or any title that I can win! In every fed and club I've been in there has never been such a high chance of me winning gold! I remember back in TEF when Flair, Nash, Hall, and HBK all formed the NWO and were prepared to fight for what they wanted! They would have succedeed as I would have made sure of it and now that i'm here in fight club I'm gonna make sure that after every match someone leaves with a concussion or some kind of carrer threatining injury and believe me it will not be me!
And as for the rest of you little kiddies who have and want to join fight club the end is near and you don't have what it takes to hold a title or hold any ground against me because my name says it all and that's enough said right there!

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Re: JoiningTYLER DURDEN16:47:11 01/02/02 Wed

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