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Subject: what side is your brain on?

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Date Posted: 12:07:14 11/25/01 Sun
In reply to: innovator 's message, "Re: Welcome Innovator!" on 01:13:22 11/24/01 Sat

>First off nice message on my forum. Great timeless
>praises to my site, it will soon evolve into a mightly
>site with a mighty purpose.
>I would like to say that if you know anyone that
>functions with their right side of the brain and has
>an artistic ability in writting or fine arts or
>digital or whatever to let me know. I am going to see
>if i cant get a community going of artists and expand
>my site into a central site that would blow "normal"
>people away.
>its purpose. (oh yeah my girlfriend is going back down
>south after sunday so after that i am free to practice

Cool idea about your site. I'll be sure and tell all right brained people I meet to email you.

I once took a test to see what side of my brain I use most and it came out to be pretty much in the middle. I'm not sure if that means I'm a well rounded person, or if it just means I use neither half of my brain.

I have been told I have some writing abilities, so if you are in need of some centrally minded writing on your site then let me know. I am actually in the process of making a site dedicated to articles, movie and game reviews and various other periodical oddities.

Anyway, back to SC. My machines are all set up and ready to roll. Any evening besides monday and thursday is good for me.

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SCOOT-ER DIEinnovator22:44:42 11/25/01 Sun

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