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Subject: More info

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Date Posted: 23:12:44 02/23/02 Sat
In reply to: ManticoreXX 's message, "Beta Test preview of Dungeon siege" on 01:49:11 02/23/02 Sat

Awesome! Thanks for the info dude! Looks like its actually almost going to be released.

Today at the Renegade tour I talked to the guys that worked on the level editing program. I got to see how it works. They were making tanks and stuf for Renegade. The program is based on 3D Studio Max. It will probably be a little hard to learn at first. But they say once you get over the initial learning curve its easy, and skills you learn on that program are useful in just about any other 3D modeling program. I think it would be good for us to learn to use this, and mabe start making a lot of custom stuff for games. Im sure it would be hard at first but would be worth it, especially for those of us interested in persuing a careeer in gaming.

Oh yeah, I also talked to a guy from igames.com. Hes in charge of planning those showcase events for new games and stuff. So he was asking me questions about what games i like and what im looking forward to to help him decide which games he should plan events for. He asked me if i was more looking forward to Dungeon Seige or Neverwinter Nights. I told him Dungeon Seige for sure. He was actually really surprised to hear that. He though that Neverwinter nights would have a bigger following. I told him maybe thats true with the D&D fanatics crowd (those guys that have a complete set of all the rulebooks and stuff) but my friends and I were definately looking more forward to Dungeon Seige.

Amyway, thats my two cents. Thanks again for the update.

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