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Subject: you can say that again

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Date Posted: 19:12:32 11/07/01 Wed
In reply to: Spiderman 's message, "School Sucks" on 18:04:19 11/07/01 Wed

>School sucks. Need i say more? i have a midterm on
>friday that i will be studying for over these next
>couple days non stop. i am not sure how much it will
>help since im only able to study my homework which is
>mostly wrong. so if you all dont hear from me in a
>long time, it is probably cuz i died of a heart attack
>in class. to avoid that i think i'll ask my teacher
>if he can give me a swift kick in the sack instead of
>the test. i would much prefer that. in conclusion .
>. . school sucks!

Well said. Is there anything that doesn't suck about school? Tests are so pointless and not anything like real life. Just an excersise in memorizing useless facts that you will never need to use (most likely). Oh well, at least if all else fails you can always resort to the old backup plan of stabbing the teacher with your pencil, right?

Oh and by the way if the teacher is unwilling to give you a swift kick in the sack then I'll be happy to fill in.


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Subject Author Date
Re: you can say that againWarhawk19:15:06 11/07/01 Wed

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