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Date Posted: 19:33:53 04/15/02 Mon
Author: Ashley
Subject: NEW FEATURE!!


As we love to do, we came up with another cool new add-on to Cascade! This idea will hopefully bring rulers from all sections together, but we're going beyond that! After much long waiting, the normal people of Cascade Mountains finally have a strong voice! We are creating two councils: the Council of Rulers and the Council of Representatives. Each section will vote for two people to represent their section. These people will be your everyday, roam-the-streets and socialize type people. No territory leaders, no rulers. This is your chance to step up and make a difference! Our first council meeting will be April 20th, which means each section needs to vote on their representatives by the 19th! It's up to each section ruler as to how your section will go about it, but it will end with two people being elected by their section. When you have an idea or want to make a complaint, go directly to your representatives. They will then discuss everyone's ideas and make some decisions, which they will take to the Council of Rulers. They'll decide and the representatives will go back to their sections to what's new. Meetings will not always be regular, but they will probably be every two weeks or so. Each representative will remain for two meetings unless they are reelected. Go to http://www.geocities.com/more_cascade/Councils.html for more information and see if you qualify! If you do, go to your section leader and see about running for representative!

Note: The farm will go straight to the election on a special board set up for them.

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