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Date Posted: 14:45:27 06/29/06 Thu
Author Host/IP: c-68-51-46-97.hsd1.ar.comcast.net/


I was scrolling the web one day looking for a few quick ways to generate some cash.

I had seen a bunch of ads before and thought: these have to be a bunch of scams.

Well, money started getting low so I sucked it up and swallowed my pride. I figured hey, the most I could loose was 6 bucks and 30 minutes tops. That’s more than I had been spending on the lotto dreaming of hitting it big. If you have the time, go research it more.

If you don’t, here are a few methods explained.

I. The first is the $6 Pay pal system. When I first read about it, it was complicated so I’ll make it simple for you to get an overview. There are more detailed steps further down.
1. You send $1 to each email address on the list
2. Take the top address off and move the remaining addresses up one spot
3. Place your name in the 6th spot
4. Copy & paste these instructions, along with the new list that has your email on it, in a good number of message boards or forums (200 will yield a good response).

How does it work?
It’s a cycle. Each email address is a person. So basically you’re sending $1 to each person on the list. The person on the top off the list was once at the bottom. After they posted the list with their address on it, other people read it, moved him or her up, and this cycle repeated itself until they were at the top. When you post this, their name will be off the list.
So how much did they make? Well, if 200 people responded when they posted, that person received $200. If those 200 people responded to that person, then those same 200 people are each going to post in 200 forums themselves. So by the time the original person’s email cycled into the 4th spot, he’s received $1 from each of the 200 people who responded to the first 200 people. That’s $40,000! (200 x 200). By the time your name cycles off the list, that’s well over a million dollars!
Over time, people can certainly get up to those high numbers. It’s true, people have retired using this system alone. If those numbers are too unbelievable for you, look at it this way: if only a 100 people respond, you make $100. Plus, all you need is six people to get your $6 back. It’s worth trying, you’ll make more than you think.

Why does I work?
It’s simple economics really; when people come together they have buying power. People use the internet to buy everyday. And it never closes. When you go to sleep at night, some where in the world, someone else is waking up and so people are constantly buying. Each day hundreds of thousands of people are buying on the internet. So together, our buying power is in the millions each day.
So what if one day a few hundred goes to a person using the pay pal system? That’s pennies compared to the millions spent each day. And it doesn’t take long for people to cycle off the list. Once they do, however, they walk away rich! Why? Because for a short time, they received small pieces of the internet’s buying power. After that, they can use the money to invest in businesses and the stock market, so the money ends up going right back into the economy.
This keeps the internet buying power up, so the cycle restarts and continues. There are thousands of people who want and need money, and thousands of message boards and forums. Plus, websites usually update their message boards and forms, so when posts get old or unnecessary, they get deleted. So there’s always a steady supply of people coming in and out of the cycle. Everything works together to keep it flowing.

AS SEEN ON OPRAH!! Money Making System $$ Network Together To Make Money Fast!!

Like most of us I was a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it. It follows the same regulations as the "mailed chain letters, which according to the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161) is indeed legal!

$$ REQUIREMENTS: You must have a verified paypal account. If you do not have an account you can go to www.paypal.com and follow the instructions to set up a free account. In order to place the initial $6 into your account, you will have to verify your bank account with paypal (which may take a few days). Paypal is 100% secure and is used by millions of people world wide.

STEP 1: Send, through paypal, $1.00 to each email on the below list. Make the subject of the payment "Email List" and in the comments, write "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST." What you are doing is creating a service by this and best of all you are not giving your address to anyone you do not know ... THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! The email list:

#1) stuck1980@yahoo.com
#2) clazthecat@hotmail.com
#3) mjd@dsl.pipex.com
#4) punkska68@hotmail.com
#5) invest@caramail.com
#6) marcusjbryan@yahoo.com

STEP 2: Now take the #1 email off the list that you see above, move the other addresses up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc) and add YOUR email address (the one used on the paypal account) as number 6 on the list.

STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200 newsgroups, message board. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups) All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make - as well as everyone else on the list!



Remember, play FAIRLY and HONESTLY and this will work. Seriously, most people think this is a scam, but you actually do get thousands of dollars out of it, it is NOT another crazy stupid scam, if people follow through with sending out $6, it works!!!!!


Look at what PayPal had to say about it! (or ask them for yourself)

Dear ************

Thank you for contacting PayPal. We apologize for the delay in responding to your service request.

It has come to our attention that there is a PayPal scheme floating around at the moment you may have heard or seen the $5 scheme. You may have even taken part in it well we have been asked a lot of questions about this scheme the answer is yes it does work and yes it is safe to use providing you follow the rules it is legal and has made a big hit on the internet this year.

Thank you for using PayPal! Sincerely, PayPal Community Support.

There's no use trying to cheat for only $6.00 ***

$$ Have fun! $$

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