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Date Posted: 16:24:06 12/07/01 Fri
Author: Conquistador (leader of HSM)
Subject: Join HSM!!

Hot Springs Mountain (HSM) has been open for nearly two years. It's had its ups and downs, but it once sported nearly 100 members. It was my first ever sim game, and was widely played. But then, whn school started, it started diying out, and a couple of my friends who were widely active left, and now the game is nearly dead and lacks horribly for members and activity. Save the game!! I don't want to shut it down. Conquisatdor is active and tried his best to keep things updated, but someone else updates the game adn he doesn't know how to navigate HTML, so the 'janitor' of HSM is behind in updates, so go easy on me, k!! adress is http://www.expage.com/hsmhomepage, and go from there to the real game, which is heavily HTML with great plots, very RP, and a happy medium between reality and fantasy, horses fall in love and get married, while challanging and a few other things are highly realistic, children friendly and 'G-PG' rated, language filters on boards and LB not allowed. Five strikes yer out punsihment system, so there is losta chances for you to make a few mistakes. So come experience the joy of HSM!!

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