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Date Posted: 03:18:13 01/28/02 Mon
Author: Owner
Subject: Life...

... Beyond the lapping waves upon the serene landscape of these coastal waters, lies an urban territory known as the metro, or city. The towering sky scrapers are embellished with the multitude of lights in the darkened realm, and a clear sky shines overhead. The streets bustle with activity, the range of society a very diverse gathering. People of different ages, races, beiliefs and talents reside here, living out their lives in the big city. Dormatories are reserved to the first new-comers, and down the windiing streets and alleys, a famous avenue called Parquey Avenue where most of the population make their first homes. If you venture into the square, you'll find beggers, prostitutes, buisness men and women, children, teenagers and much more. A popular hang out is The Pit, where local, and foreign bands can come on open mic nights to show off their talents, and on regular nights, an assigned band will be performing. Further down the street from The Pit is 24~7, a bar/dance club where throbbing music is audible every night. There's a cozy cafe south of these hang-outs, many popular coves along the beach, and every once in a while, a party/rave will be thrown on the shores. Welcome to life in the big city...the question is...can you survive it? ...

... Welcome to Life, a realistic human RPG for the mature ...

... Click to enter Life ...

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