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Date Posted: 09:26:57 02/21/02 Thu
Author: 'Kinia'
Subject: Pern - A new beginning

Pern: A New Beginning.

Many turns had passed since F’lar, Lessa, F’nor and their generation flew over the lands of Pern, their ways were forgotten once when Pern became deserted. Then the holds started to become populated once more, thread came again, and with it the Dragon’s and their riders, bringing hope the lands of Pern returned to what they had been. Under the Golden Queen, Dawneth and her life-bonded, dark haired and pale skinned Verreanna, the Weyr of Ista was re-inhabited then tragedy struck, Verreanna & Dawneth along with most of the others of the Weyr vanished, without any explanation. Soon the Weyr fell apart and the few that remained seemed also to follow to wherever their Senior Queen and her rider had gone, until none where left and no sound echoed along the halls of the once full Weyr. Turns later the lands where rediscovered, the Weyr’s names long forgotten they were re-inhabited by new riders, a new generation had come to fly across Pern’s empty skies once more.

And so it is that we pick up the story now, a few generations on Hinira w. Golden Raniath, Tipsie w. Golden Zirrith & Willmina w. Golden Setanth inhabit three of the Weyr’s of Pern, under new names, Xanta, the Weyr near the sea on the Island that was once known as Ista, Kiria Weyr in the place that was once known as the Weyr of Fort & finally Minerva Weyr in a brand new weyr located in the deserts of the area once called Igen.

Pern: A New Beginning [a.k.a. Pern:anb] has returned. A Pern RPG based on the writings of Anne McCaffrey come and learn as an Aprentice at a Crafthall, Become Lord and lady holders and even become a candidate for an Impression, where you could impress a dragon of yur very own. [although you can't really say you own them, they might have something to say about that.]

Come and Join the Fun!.


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