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Date Posted: 00:35:34 12/19/01 Wed
Author: f0rmat
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Re: -----for hardware whores----- read before 12/20
In reply to: yomama- posting for bob 's message, "-----for hardware whores----- read before 12/20" on 14:45:51 12/18/01 Tue

Hey Bob, email me with your address to your place so i can get directions and what time the stuff will be out there. Id be glad to take some of it

>I have had to clean out my basement. I have a fairly
>large pile of stuff
>that's going on the sidewalk thursday evening. This
>includes PCs (386
>through Pentium), hard drives (everything less than
>540MB, most work),
>ethernet cards, controllers, 10base2 cable, monitors,
>video cards, case &
>PS, keyboards, mice, CDroms.
>There's also some old sun gear, an RGB color monitor
>being the largest.
>This stuff is IPC/IPX/SS1/SS1+ stuff.
>The pile will be located on ashburton place, off of
>essex st. in central
>square, cambridge. If anyone is interested, let me
>know, if it's raining
>I'll throw a tarp over it. If you DO show up, don't
>make a lot of noise,
>and don't make a mess.
>if someone on the MIT reuse mailing list could CC it
>there, it would be
>appreciated -- I hate seeing stuff getting crushed,
>but I just don't have
>the space any more.
>Bob Keyes [bob@sinister.com]

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