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Date Posted: 00:37:48 12/19/01 Wed
Author: razey
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Subject: Re: Razey p75 install problem
In reply to: mr.milixiplix 's message, "Razey p75 install problem" on 15:28:38 12/18/01 Tue

well i have successfully installed slack 7.1 on it. when i tried to install windows i would get the message before setup began that windows needs 64354353. thats ll it said. dont know if it was refering to ram, harddrive or what. with redhat. it was 7.1 i would install it without any problem, then try and boot it. it would sit and do nothing at different places in the boot. i was useing lilo before. still am. i dunno if it was the RH kernal or what, but the pc couldnt handle it.
>What happens after you install Red Hat and try to
>boot(error message)? Do you make a boot floppy( if so,
>does it work)? What version of redhat? What boot
>loader(grub or lilo), and where do you put it (MBR or
>/boot partition)?
>At what point does the Win 98 install fail? Have you
>tried doing using fdisk before the install? Are there
>any partitions defined on the hard drive? If there are
>you may want to blow them all away. The MS version of
>FDisk kinda sucks, sometimes you need to use delpart
>to get rid of NTFS partitions.
>delpart link http://www.rustysmith.com/delpart.htm
>get it and put it on a dos boot floppy.
>How big is the hard drive? Have you checked the
>jumpers on the HD to make sure it is set as master (if
>it is SCSI, correct SCSI id)?
>Sound like something is up with the HD..............

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