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Date Posted: 21:45:16 02/04/02 Mon
Author: Theed
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Re: 2600 bias-- 2600 ain't the chess club......
In reply to: x1l 's message, "Re: 2600 bias-- 2600 ain't the chess club......" on 15:05:59 02/01/02 Fri

>This would be more along the lines of holier than
>I'll pass on the cheesy puffs, as I am vegan, and
>don't eat garbage, like you common folk. I respect my
>You have to have that "I'm better than you, you piece
>of shit, low class, 386 using bitch" thing going. Come
>to think about it, I am the shit that izzum. Hey
>theed, maybe you are right.
>Being a dick and have a holier than thou attitude are
>two different animals. I am a dick. I have never
>refered to my self as 31337, like the 15 yo skript
>kiddies. Seems to me, claiming to be elite would be
>more of a holier than thou attitude. Like I said, I'm
>just a dick, so let me get back to that.
>My point with the whole law crap (yes, I do have a
>point, and it's not the top of my head) is that
>everyone breaks laws, and some one that attends a 2600
>meet is more likely to break laws in the cyber world
>than your average joe. It's hard to break into a
>system if you don't know where to start. Most people
>don't know how to write HTML, let a lone break into a
>website to deface it. Someone that goes to a 2600 meet
>is more likely to have that knowlge. If person wants
>to learn about computers and networks and security, it
>is nessisary to understand how these systems can be
>exploit. You can't secure a system if you don't know
>what you are securing it from. And once you secure a
>system, you probalby want to test it.....hack your own
>system. Most people don't understand this and think
>the only reason someone would want to know how to
>break into a system is so they can break into someone
>elses system. Most people just don't understand
>computer security. Once you have that knowlge, it's up
>to you on how you will use it. Just because I have a
>gun doesn't mean I will shoot everyone that pisses me
>off, even if I want to. It's called self control.
>I don't think 2600 meets are bad, but it's all about
>who is there, and how they use the info they get. If
>you open the meet to anyone that wants to show up, how
>can you possible know if everyone there is a "good
>hacker", out to make the world a better place? I'll
>answer for you. You can't. You will never know why
>that shifty eye kid in the corner is there. That is
>where the chess club thing comes in. I don't think you
>can pick up much info at the chess club that can be
>used for "bad" purposes. You may talk about encryption
>at a 2600 meet. And there is nothing wrong with that.
>But who is to say some terrorist won't show up at the
>next 2600 meet (today), and want to talk about
>encrytion, then go and use the info he gets to encrypt
>his email to Bin Laden. My point is that information
>can be used for good or bad, and the only thing you
>will probably learn at the chess club is how to play
>chess. I don't think any terrorist will be showing up
>at the chess club looking for anything but a chess
>game. It is possible that some one may want to take
>advatage of the information of the "good hackers" at
>the 2600 meet. Chances are they would just get
>whatever info they wanted off the net anyway, and
>wouldn't need go to the meet, but since it is a open
>meet policy, it is easy to exploit.

I have a 386 do you have a problem with that?

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