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Date Posted: 12:21:13 12/02/05 Fri
Author: Sylvia
Author Host/IP: /
Subject: The passing of Gordon & Jennifer's Rocky

I received an e-mail from Gordon yesterday. Gordon and Jennifer Fenner lost their beloved Rocky yesterday afternoon. Rocky past away peacefully in Gordon's hands. Gordon said he heard a noise in the cage ( he happened to be in the room at the time) and found Rocky on the cage floor but very quiet. He held him inside his shirt for two hours before he died. He said that Rocky wasn't in distress - just tired. As he took his last breaths he rather quietly chattered and then slowly closed his eyes. Rocky turned 14 years old this past September. From all that I've heard about Rocky he was well loved and cared for, he had a full happy life. Gordon said that he let Zorro, Rocky's best fs buddy say his last good bye to Rocky. Gordon said he brought Zorro out and Zorro put his nose up against Rocky's and was just as still as could be until he suddenly bolted back in his cage. Zorro will miss is best friend a

As a last ditch stand he tried to get some amoxycilin but the local vet whom he had used a number of times before. However, the Vet that just bought the practice and absolutely refused to help. First of all, through one of his aids, said he would not treat exotics. Then he changed that to stating that he wouldn't prescribe the antibiotic for Rocky unless Gordon had a valid state license. He explained to the girl that it was impossible since no license is required in Florida. All to no avail though the girl did tell Gordon she wished she had given me a bottle while the vet was out for lunch when he first called. She also said that it was no longer a pleasure coming to work since the new owner/vet took over. Needless to say this vet has lost at now lost two customers. And more will follow!

Called another vet who would not prescribe without seeing it but couldn't see for days because of too many existing appointments and because Gordon and Jennifer had not brought their pets in previously.

We give our thoughts and prayers to Gordon, Jennifer and Zorro over their loss of Rocky.

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