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Date Posted: 06:55:33 01/12/06 Thu
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: unio-cas1-cs-4.dial.bright.net /
Subject: Re: Question about male squirrels
In reply to: Storker 's message, "Question about male squirrels" on 05:01:40 01/12/06 Thu

First are you sure they are littermates? It sounds like
one could be slightly older. But they can mature at
different rates. The reason I ask is because brothers
do tend to get along after maturity much better than
unrelated males. As far as personality differences,
all flyers are different in that area.
On the peeing on food part, I know they do this. I
know they pee on water bottles and on food. Some of
my water bottles have the top that is the same size
as the bottle. The pee gets in that top and gets to
stinking real bad. They don't seem to do it all the
time. I don't know if it is males or females that do
it. I've seen evidence that they have peed in food
bowls, too. I can only guess this is a way to claim
it for themselves. They do it on food that they like
so it isn't, "Pee on this, I ain't eating it". So I
have no real answer on that part.
As far as finicky eating goes, that is normal. What
they won't touch one week they may fight over the next.

>Ok... this is just an observation, but I was curious.
>I have 2 sibling males about 1 year old. One is more
>outgoing and dominant and larger. The other is a
>little on the timid side but warms up quickly. The
>submissive one also likes to do the loops in the cage
>and tends to run the wheel more.
>But on further examination I noticed that the larger
>dominant one's testes are way larger and dropped where
>the sub's are smaller. The size increase change is
>recent. I realize that one may be maturing faster, but
>I didn't know if it had more to do with the dominance
>"Alpha Male" issue.
>They both seem to get along well, but I have been
>keeping an eye on them in case I need to seperate. I
>also make sure the smaller one has equal access to
>food, but he has always been more finicky about what
>he eats where the other eats just about anything...
>Oh... one other thing I just saw... the dominant one
>ran over to the food bowl (with greens and stuff) and
>it looked like he purposefully peed all over
>everthing... is that a dominant territory thing? I
>hide nuts, carrots all over the cage and have lots of
>food sources, but never noticed the marking of the
>greens before... any ideas?

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