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Date Posted: 20:40:48 01/14/06 Sat
Author: Pete
Author Host/IP: dialup- /
Subject: Re: foods AND maybe it is perfume stress?
In reply to: Vicki 's message, "Re: Foul smelling urine!" on 16:48:52 01/12/06 Thu

Stress and marking of territories:
Animals that are stressed and trying to mark territory will produce stinky pee. If you wash the cage with perfumes or cover it up with glade products he will fight back with rodent smells. But if you wash his cage with boiling water and elbow grease he will be more comfortable and may not stink up the cage.

Not sure what you mean by “food” in the singular. Most of us (I assume) change what we give each day. Normally 3 to 8 fresh vegetables and fruit cut up, sometimes frozen veggies and fruit if I am in a hurry or a neighbor is feeding him. Sometimes he will have a mixture of nuts, grains, seeds, oatmeal, dried fruits in a parrot feeder, rarely I will put in some unpreserved parrot food. This dried mixed food is all he eats on days I replace it. So I only fill it once every 1.5 to 3 weeks. He ALWAYS has whole milk (aka cream on top) yogurt with avitron vitamins mixed in. NO aspartame or diet yogurt. Sometimes I stir peanut or almond butter into the yogurt if he is neglecting it. Our yogurt is organic such as Horizon or Brown Cow with no rBGH. Protein sources 3 out of 4 nights such as Tempeh, beans, or insects. Insects include wild Miller Moths which we hunt together, or store bought meal worms. WE hang fresh foliage in the cage during the summer for him to defoliate and eat a little of. He likes to eat blossoms. In the winter we hang a winter squashes or gourds from the cage for him to eat his way into. Sometimes some drid blue/Indian corn cobs. Also I just discovered wheat grass which I will start a post about. His love is obviously shelled pecans, hazelnuts, acorns, and almonds(Ca+!!!), and other nuts. But if I give him to many he doesn’t eat his real food. Also if we are making breads we will make him a little rodent sized bread, muffin, tortilla, or pancake.

Northerns eat mostly lichen and fungi in the wild so I also bring in lichen when I find it. Southerns eat everything. So I literally feed him everything. We are vegetarian and my wife is an awesome chef so we normally have 4 to 10 squirrel safe veggies being put into our food….so he eats what we eat minus the spices. We just keep a squirrel plate going all day and through a little in every time we chop. There is stuff we give him even though we know he hates it. But making a huge salad bar for him. It gives him options. He eats what he craves. He never eats carrots, until he needs what the carrots have.

Stinky pee foods:
As far as stinky pee foods. Things high in aminos can make stinky pee. Vitamin B and others make pee stinky. Thus the potency of asparagus pee and cabbage pee. Renal failure is sometimes associated with potent pee and change in diet helps a lot. also diabetes, infections, kidney stones.

glaucomys and most all rodents in the wild at arid locations have stinkier pee then those with water sources. Surely he has water if domestic.

Good Luck,

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