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Date Posted: 16:27:39 02/08/06 Wed
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: unio-cas1-cs-50.dial.bright.net /
Subject: Re: red squirrels are real close looking to F.S. but not the same.
In reply to: Cheri 's message, "Re: red squirrels are real close looking to F.S. but not the same." on 12:01:57 02/08/06 Wed

>>I've raised several litters of orphaned Eastern Red
>>Squirrels. They can be about as tame as flyers if
>>raised right. I've had some I hadn't touched in weeks
>>that kept jumping back to me when I released them. In
>>the wild they tend to be very territorial. Hunters
>>to hate them because they think the Reds run off the
>>squirrels they want to hunt.
>>>I typed in ( N.C. red squirrel images) and the first
>>>link had the best picture I have seen so far. The
>>>RED SQUIRRES (Erxleben) Length 10-14 in, Tail 4-6 in,
>>>Weight 7-8 3/4 oz. The dorsal pelage of the red
>>>squirrel is reddish-gray and the underparts are
>>>whitish during the summer-a black stripe is present
>>>along each side of body, ear tufts are present in
>>>wenter. This squirrel is not the same as the red
>>>squirrel that has the cute tufts all the time and is
>>>really red. This one looks a lot more like a fs but
>>>is not a night flyer. Daytime is his time. I don't
>>>think I said anybody had one. But if we are going to
>>>loose the red squirrel somebody should. I also read
>>>they are not as friendly.
>*********Dennis: That is so cool that you have raised
>some. And it sounds like they bond to you also. Are
>there nails much sharper and bigger then fs's? Do they
>run all over you like fs's? Or are they just like lap
>squirrels? Is it aginst the law to have them? Except
>for re-habers....

They have nails a little bigger than a flyer but not any
sharper. They are about as active as a flyer and don't
sit still a very much. Legality depends on your state.
They are legal to own in Ohio with a proper permit. I do
not know of anyone that breeds them for pets or if they
would breed easily in captivity.

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