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Date Posted: 12:07:33 02/21/06 Tue
Author: Stacey
Author Host/IP: ldhl-ras1-dial-12-28-24-17.natcotech.com /
Subject: Re: Breeding question
In reply to: Dennis 's message, "Re: Breeding question" on 17:48:33 02/17/06 Fri

>Hi Dennis
I now feel confident enough to order another female. I was afraid to get another flyer because I couldnt find a cause for why I had lost my female and didnt want to put another one in jeopardy. I didnt know about the vitamin D2 but do provide the dark green veges daily as part of their fruit/vege salad so that shouldnt have been the issue. Thanks though for bringing the D2 thing to my attention! I sure wish I lived closer as I would love to have had one of your nice healthy babies. I give mine the dream fluff and cotton balls for nesting material but will try the toilet tissue this next nest cleaning day. I also feed rat/mouse pellets and they seem to eat them quite well. I have allready taken your advice on providing both plain and vitamin water thanks for the suggestion.
As to their breeding in the future I dont mind if they never do I just thought that maybe my female never seeming to come in to season in two years might give you a clue as to what might have been the cause of her death. I just know that my male so misses his mate and that I will now be getting him another friend soon! I cant thank you enough for all the time you put into answering all my questions and going over how I take care of my squirrels. Your expert opinion was very much appreciated! Thank You!!!

One important thing is having a pair that are both from
>the same geological area. A pair with one from Ohio and
>one from Texas won't likely produce. The breeding
>are so different that they won't be in breeding prime
>the same time. A pair with one from Florida and one
>Texas would have a better chance. Both from Florida or
>Texas would be best. They need to be one year old.
>A cage up on a stand so the top is up high helps. My
>cages are 36" tall and set on a 48" stand. Some nest
>boxes are at the top some at the bottom. Nest boxes are
>4" x 4" x 6" with a hinged lid and 1 1/4" hole. Lots of
>boxes is best.
>I have a calcium block, mineral spool, and cuttle bone
>in the cage. That gives them access to what they might
>need and I'm not forcing them to eat any of it.
>For nesting material I use nothing but cheap toilet
>They love it and shred it to almost powder.
>I give dark green veggies for a source of calcium and
>Vitamin D2. They have developed to utilize D2 from
>nocturnal. The D3 is ok but I let them have a choice.
>The rodent vitamins are good but not needed daily with
>a good diet. Plain water and vitamin water can both be
>offered all the time.
>Hard shelled nuts are a must.
>All the above work for me for the most part but not in
>all cases to get them to breed.
>As to what may have happened to your female I don't
>It could have been a defect from birt, a stroke, or any
>number of other things. It could even have been
>I have heard of them running around a cage and losing
>footing. They can fall and hit something just wrong.
>>Hi Dennis thanks for any input you might give me. My
>>male came from the wild as a four week old baby and
>>will be four years old next next month. My female came
>>from Helens little critters two years ago. They lived
>>together in a 30"L X 18"D X 35"H cage with a parakeet
>>nest box,a cardboard nestbox and a couple fleece
>>material pouches and a ferret pouch all hanging in
>>there for sleeping/storing food etc.They had a king
>>size blanket on the floor of their cage just in case
>>they should accidently fall while playing. They
>>usually slept in the same nest together. They got
>>fresh fruit and vege salad daily and ate quite a lot
>>of it. They get three different seed mixes all mixed
>>together to eat at will. They got rodent vitamins in
>>their water every other day and on the days they didnt
>>they got a pecan dusted with human grade coral calcium
>>which has its own vit D3. They each got a hickory or
>>black walnut daily to chew open and eat.They have
>>appple branches in the cage. They have four different
>>mineral blocks in the cage but didnt really seem to
>>chew on them much with the exception of the manu block
>>made for birds. The got to come out of the cage each
>>night after they got up for about an hour or more for
>>exercise and they have the largest stealth wheel they
>>make that only the female used. The reason I am
>>looking into this is that I came home from work on the
>>6th of this month and my female was dead on the bottom
>>of the cage without ever having had a sick day. I know
>>they both were fine at 5 am on the morning of the 6th
>>and after petting them both they went into their
>>nestbox to sleep. It is my opinion that the female
>>never came in season ever and I think my male finally
>>lost interest. I would be in interested in your
>>opinion as someone who knows way more about flyers
>>than I do! Thanks for your time Dennis as I am looking
>>into getting another female and would have to have it
>>shipped so was thinking about going back to Helens
>>little critters if you think that her death was an
>>isolated incident.
>>>There are many variables involved in getting flyers
>>>breed. Some won't stop breeding, some never breed,
>>>need near perfect conditions to breed.
>>>Cage size, cage location, number of nest boxes,
>>>of nest boxes, type of nest boxes, diet, number of
>>>per cage, amount of human interaction during breeding
>>>amount of artificial light per day compared to
>>>amount of light, are all factors. It could also be
>>>male and not the female. I have a male about 15 years
>>>that has never fathered a baby. After several years I
>>>the females in a different cage with males I know
>>>litters. The next breeding season both had litters.
>>>female with this male has ever had babies while with
>>>He goes through the motions but nothing happens.
>>>Tell me how your cage is set up and about your
>>>and diet. I may be able to make some suggestions...
>>>>>My female never did breed.
>>>>Are you askng because you may buy one or are you
>>>>>becauuse your female don't breed?
>>>>>>To anyone who has purchased a female flyer from
>>>>>>little critters. Have they successfully bred?

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