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Date Posted: 23:11:01 03/07/06 Tue
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: unio-cas2-cs-48.dial.bright.net /
Subject: Re: Rono39c
In reply to: Visible nipples Pregnant 's message, "Rono39c" on 07:39:47 03/07/06 Tue

I've been breeding them over 10 years and can't always
tell when they are pregnant. They don't get a big "pot
belly", they get wider. Visible nipples is a possible
sign of pregnancy. Depending on appearance it can be
proof of babies present, too. When she dens up and
will not come out for a week, she may be near birth
if she is now pregnant. Being under a year old makes
it iffy from my experience. I have heard of females
supposedly having babies as young as 6 months. I have
never seen any give birth under one year old.
When my females den up I guess they are pregnant. That
way my guess work is much more accurate...lol

>Hello everyone,i was going through my usual routine
>after school last night, and noticed that Layla, my
>little girl's, nipples were noticable, i have never
>seen them before, i looked around on some sights and
>they say that it could be a sign of her being
>pregnant, she is not chubby, she is actual the same
>size, small (she always was) i didn't want to dig
>through all the nest boxes in case she was pregnant.
>Is this a definete sign of pregnancy or is this a
>maturety thing, i think she is just under a year old,
>Dennis i don't know if you remember or not, but Layla
>was one of the three tiny tiny babies you had last
>year, and i got Slyder from Sandy about a month
>before. they are both doing great thanks for your
>help everyone.

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