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Date Posted: 14:25:46 02/11/09 Wed
Author: Bill
Author Host/IP: 67-40-167-253.mpls.qwest.net /
Subject: Re: CAT problems
In reply to: Dennis 's message, "Re: CAT problems" on 06:15:08 02/11/09 Wed

The big Tom I turned loose, was the only option I had at the time, had to get to church, and only had 15 minutes to get rid of the pest. He was MEAN, I thought he was going to get out of that cage in the back of my SUV. The state of Wisconsin did a study, and said that 6 million song birds ate killed each year by cats in WI. I have a 15 year old cat that never goes out side unless he is in a cage, and besides killing the flyers my front door, and basement windows are being sprayed. More ways than a live trap to get them.

>I have heard of motion detectors and sprinklers used
>cats. Don't know what effect they would have on
>Although it is an aggravation, live trapping and
>them over the the Humane Society or other group is
>Turning them loose again is just moving the problem to
>another area, if they don't find their way back.
>with feral cats.
>My problem is my neighbor's grand kids that live next
>him. They destroyed every bird nest built on my
>last year. I caught them in my tree with a huge hedge
>trimmer trying to cut off a limb that held a bird nest.
>If it starts again this year, I'm putting up video
>cameras to catch them then turn in the tapes to the
>Sheriff. Their dad knows the game warden well so I
>calling him will do anything.
>>Thats what catapults are for.
>>Sounds like you are doing a great job, motion
>>detectors aimed at the ground. traps. nice job. I
>>agree, cats are invasive exotic species and should not
>>be let outside, and i grew up on a farm where that is
>>A lot of wise, progressive, liberal cities have made a
>>leash law for cats. About time.
>>Can you take the trapped ones to a humane society or
>>shelter instead?
>>I have always wanted to hook motion detectors to a
>>sprinkler system. But then the issue is, did you
>>scare away the cat or scare the native species into
>>the cat?
>>good luck

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  • Re: CAT problems -- Lynnanne, 18:06:16 02/11/09 Wed (in-67-236-243-245.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/
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