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Date Posted: 07:22:41 08/28/10 Sat
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: Does my Little Foot have Cataracts??
In reply to: Kelley L 's message, "Re: Does my Little Foot have Cataracts??" on 17:27:15 08/19/10 Thu

I don't know that Irene ever checks this board. She
is on several Yahoo mailing lists that I am on.
Kathleen moved from 'Bama to Kokomo,IN a while back.
Her husband's job moved there. Pagan I haven't heard
from but a few times in years. That was a good group
of people at one time.
I'm on facebook occasionally to see new pics of my
grand kids.

A vet too busy to see animals? My vet used to say,
"Well, what did you bring this time that we've never
seen or heard of before?" Hope you can do him some

My litters are few and far between anymore. My gals
are getting too old. It don't seem to matter much
because I have a hard time placing the few babies
I do get. Everyone wants them when I don't have them
but not when I do. I only had about five babies this
year and one litter was four. Two years ago this summer
I had thirty babies. So it is quite a change.

>Of course I remember Irene! Does she peek in here
>every now and then?? Would love to get back in touch
>with her. I miss the old group. Everyone was so
>wonderfully comforting when I lost Tink. Thought about
>facebooking them...but don't know any last names. Are
>you on there? Or is that someone disguising themselves
>as you ;-)
>I was furious today. I called my vet to schedule an
>appt. They don't see flying squirrels anymore because
>they take too long. She stopped short on that and
>finished by saying they were just too busy with cats
>and dogs. Well guess who lost my business with my
>dogs?! If they don't have time for him, they don't
>have time for my dogs. I already found another place
>that I can get Little Foot into. They have amazing
>I've googled around about cataracts in flying
>squirrels and it sounds like there are meds for it.
>Can you picture me holding him down and administering
>eyedrops? LOL!!!! I can't even do that with my 4 yr
>I'll let you know how it turns out. I saw your post
>about the baby girl you have. It's hard to not jump in
>the car and race on back up there. I'm debating on
>getting two this next time though. I feel awful Little
>Foot never had an all night companion. When my kids
>arrived....he didn't get to come out an play as much.
>Of course now with them here....a new flyer could bond
>with them as well.....we'll see!
>>Don't know what is up with the e-mail. I've had the
>>e-mail address for almost ten years.
>>Yes, it is very possibly a cataract. I had a female
>>one for years. She lived about ten years blind in one
>>I have no idea if it would be treatable but asking
>>be good. Things are changing all the time.
>>I just was careful about approaching the cage to make
>>sure she could see me or started talking as I
>>so she would hear me and not get scared.
>>Yes, he is a senior citizen in the flying squirrel
>>at 11 years old. You have done good caring for him.
>>still has Laddie if you remember them.
>>On the tumor thing, I had one with that and she kept
>>chewing at it. It was a real mess. I got her on meds
>>and treated her with Triple Antibacterial ointment and
>>she healed up real nice.
>>>Hello Dennis!! I tried emailing you a few months
>>>back...but it came back undeliverable. My Little Foot
>>>developed what looked like a tumor on right side
>>>Since then, it appears to have healed. After that, he
>>>began acting like his old self. Playing, jumping,
>>>gliding. I was so thrilled to see my little old man
>>>acting like a kid again. He's...what....11 years old
>>>now?? Well the past week I noticed he's not coming
>>>much, unless I'm delivering his favorite....meal
>>>worms! Right now he's dining on a hefty June bug
>>>must've overslept :-) Anyway, when I called him to
>>>come for his treat, again he didn't come right to me
>>>as he normally would. When he finally did come out, I
>>>noticed his right eye. It's cloudy white. He seemed
>>>hesitant of me initially. I don't think he could see
>>>me well. Finally when he realized who I was, he dove
>>>down my shirt and nestled against me.....so calm.
>>>never that calm this late at night. Can you tell I'm
>>>gonna miss him already?? Is his eye treatable? Should
>>>I get him to the vet? I've spent so many nights over
>>>the years helping him recover from this and
>>>not ready to give up yet!

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