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Date Posted: 06:49:14 11/30/10 Tue
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: Happy Thanksgiving
In reply to: Mary 's message, "Re: Happy Thanksgiving" on 17:43:44 11/29/10 Mon

Sounds very much like it could be Metabolic Bone Disease.
For a quicker calcium boost yogurt has a lot of calcium
and they usually like it. Part of a crushed Tums mixed
with peanut butter or something she likes will work.
Give her some of this once or twice a day for a week.
This by itself won't work, Vitamin D is required to
make the calcium do what it should. Get some liquid
rodent vitamins like LM Farms Daily Liquid Multi-Vitamins
for Hamsters and Gerbils. Add that to her water and a
drop mixed with the Tums and peanut butter. You should
see a difference in about a week. The MBD can cause weak
and broken bones, which could be an issue, also. You can
over do the vitamins and calcium and have the same
symptoms as not enough. So the extra amounts should be

I keep a calcium block and cuttle bone in the cage. I
also supplement their diet with Monkey Chow. The Monkey
Chow has all the things in the proper ratio for mammals.
I feed lots of broccoli and other dark green veggies.

I have a male that can't walk or climb too good but he
is over ten years old. I've been calling him Mini-Me
because he don't get around much better than me. I
rescued him from a group cage because the others were
picking on him. I really didn't think he would survive
at first but he seems to be doing ok by himself.

>Happy belated Thanksgiving. Question for you Dennis.
>My Bubbles has become quite nest dependent this year,
>in part because I had to keep traveling back to the
>Detroit area to help take care of my sick mother who
>subsequently passed away, and then back and forth for
>my mother-in-law, who also passed away....tough year
>so far. Anyway, I digress. Since she has become nest
>box dependent, won't come out, I will drag her out but
>she doesn't seem like she can walk, she kind of scoots
>around, and then hides in a corner somewhere. She
>does walk backwards, but struggles going forward. I
>don't know if it is a lack of calcium,or possibly
>another mineral, and if so, how do I get some into her
>pronto; and if not that what else would cause this.
>She is the one that had the broken tooth and I take
>her every 4 weeks to the vet to have it ground down
>for her, she is eating plenty of nuts, but she can't
>crack the shells with her tooth the way it is. I put
>fresh veggies in the cage every other day, a wide
>assortment of fruits and veggies, she does seem to
>pick at them, but not like she used to. Any

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