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Date Posted: 04:43:18 01/05/12 Thu
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: celina-pppoe-1-1483.dsl.bright.net /
Subject: Re: Update
In reply to: Cheri 's message, "Re: Update" on 12:04:13 01/02/12 Mon

>>Things have gone a bit downhill in my attempts to get
>>something done about all the oil in my yard from the
>>scrapyard. The Ohio EPA will not come out and look at
>>it. They will not test any soil or run off samples. I
>>have rainwater that looks and smells like the inside
>>of a tailpipe from and old car in my back yard three
>>inches deep after a hard rain. In my front yard I have
>>oil coating my yard three feet wide across my whole
>>lot. No county or state agency or elected official
>>will so much as come look at it or have it tested. Out
>>of about thirty people, agencies, TV stations, news
>>papers, etc. I've contacted, one has shown interest.
>>He came out to film a news article about it and nearly
>>got into a fight with the scrapyard owner. What aired
>>was very little about my problem and a lot about the
>>confrontation where the owner threatened my life. So,
>>I doubt that will get me any help needed to solve the
>>I would like to thank Don Hammond from WKEF Channel 22
>>in Dayton, Ohio for even trying to do something. I'd
>>also like to thank Pete Cadmus from this message board
>>for showing interest and attempting to help. It has
>>been a very long frustrating six months with no end in
>>I added more pictures here:
>> >>href="http://news.webshots.com/album/580716560ymELlb?s

>>The news footage is here, for how long I don't know.
>> >>href="http://abc.daytonsnewssource.com/shared/newsroom

>************Sorry to hear that you can't get some help
>about your yard. Could you build a big wall of dirt so
>the oil or gas can not come to your yard? I know your
>back is messed up but maby some of your children could
>do it. Sorry is this is dumb. Is it running into your
>yard or seeping into it?

This is oil that has been carelessly spilled on the ground. When it rains, it floats on the rainwater run-off and on to my property. From the far side of their property to my property it is about a 3'drop so the rainwater runs my way. They have built a dam along the property line but it just makes the rainwater concentrate to the front of my yard. It does not stop it. In my backyard I have rainwater run-off that is almost black and smells like old gasoline and exhaust fumes up to 3" deep right up to my backdoor after a heavy rain. So far, no government agency, County, State, or Federal will do anything about it except make excuses as to why they can't do anything about it.

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