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Date Posted: 15:46:38 02/16/07 Fri
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: unio-cas1-cs-2.dial.bright.net /
Subject: Re: Flyer Emergency!
In reply to: Becca 's message, "Re: Flyer Emergency!" on 11:52:25 02/16/07 Fri

Flyers can decline very fast when something is wrong
but they are pretty hardy when healthy. The two don't
usually go together.
Hope everything works out ok. It will take some time
to get back to normal but you will see improvements.

>Thank you guys SO much! She has a calcium block in her
>cage, which she has been munching on, so I believe it
>truly is too little Vitamin D.
>I found a vet who said he would see her today to try
>to help me figure out the correct dose of Vit D
>(because as you pointed out, Dennis, too much is just
>as bad).
>I was so panicked last night because I could not
>believe how sick she was, and I knew it was my fault.
>I really appreciate your quick and helpful replies!
>I'm heading home to take her to the vet shortly, and
>I'm stopping to get the vitamin D on the way, so that
>the vet can help me measure correctly.
>I'm taking printouts of your suggestions as well as
>some info I printed off the web last night on MBD.
>I'll let you guys know how she does. I'm just praying
>I'm not too late! :(
>>Too much Vitamin D causes the same effect as not
>>calcium by causing decalcification.
>>>In a nutshell... you need to give high doses of
>>>vitamin D3... it helps the flyer absorb calcium. Go
>>>a petshop and get small mammal liquid vitamins.
>>>I mixed it with heavy cream and or yogurt in a
>>>dropper. And feed it to your flyer.
>>>Give 3 xs a day! I noticed an improvement after 2-3
>>>day and after a few weeks the guy was back to
>>>After a week, he wouldn't drink from a dropper, so I
>>>had to dose the water.
>>>But he was on his way... make sure he gets other food
>>>too. Mealworms, greens, acorns etc. if he'll eat.
>>>give a little water seperately... if he is dragging
>>>his legs he might not be able to get at the water and
>>>dehydration could be setting in.
>>>It will get better!

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