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Date Posted: 17:17:16 02/20/07 Tue
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: unio-cas1-cs-32.dial.bright.net /
Subject: Re: The vet who x-rayed my flyer just wet a wash cloth and laid it over him.
In reply to: Becca 's message, "Re: The vet who x-rayed my flyer just wet a wash cloth and laid it over him." on 07:50:06 02/20/07 Tue

You're doing good. Have patience. She may be improving
already but she will still need to be kept still and
quiet as much as possible for a while. And, she will
still need her treatments for a while.

>When I got home yesterday afternoon I tried the
>bonding pouch. I made hers myself from a fleece baby
>sleeper, so it's bigger than the standard one. I put
>some of her nesting material in one corner of the bag
>along with a hunk of walnut and a blueberry and after
>I dosed her, I held my hand by the pouch to see if she
>would go in. She did. I laid down with the pouch on my
>stomach/chest and left it open so she could decide
>what she wanted. She explored the pouch quite a bit
>and then curled up in her nesting material and dozed
>for an hour. THen she crawled up and out and laid on
>the skin on my chest (I was wearing a tank top) for
>about an hour and let me stroke her gently and talk to
>her. She was awfully sweet. Eventually she went back
>in the pouch and pulled it closed herself and went
>back to sleep. She stayed there until her late night
>dose of vitamins and then I gently put her back in her
>nest box.
>This morning when I got up she was out of the nest box
>and drinking from her bottle - that's actually the
>sound that woke me up, and I have never been so happy
>to hear it! I was worried she wasn't drinking enough,
>so I've been trying to get her to take some water from
>the syringe when I have her out. I was really happy to
>see her drinking, let me tell you!
>Today she drops to one dose of prednisone every 24
>hours for 5 days (then one dose every other day for 10
>days), so that's one less time to disturb her. :) I
>don't know if it's wishful thinking, but I think she's
>looking perkier and moving a little more. She is such
>a good girl, and is being so patient with me.

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