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Date Posted: 06:27:44 02/22/07 Thu
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: unio-cas1-cs-35.dial.bright.net /
Subject: Re: Update
In reply to: Becca 's message, "Update" on 06:50:58 02/21/07 Wed

Siezures can be associated with MBD but what you describe
doesn't sound like one. All siezures I've seen in squirrels
and heard described are usually no movement for seconds
other than possibly shaking followed by confused behavior.
She may have been just stretching after waking up.
Her not wanting meds may be her not wanting to be held and
forced to take them. That usually means improved conditions
or her feeling more back to normal. How she gets around is
where you will notice improvement when she is getting better.
She will walk smoother and quicker, run more, start to jump
instead of walking, start climbing, etc.. It will still
take time to be back to normal but it sounds like she may
be on her way.

>I'm still learning how these forums work, but wanted
>to bump the chain back out a level because there were
>so many responses (thank you!)
>Last night and this morning were a little trying in
>our squirrel infirmary. Mekare is exhibiting some
>strange behavior - I'm not sure if she's stretching,
>if it's a seizure or if she's joined some new
>religion. She climbed out of her bonding pouch last
>night and sat on my shoulder for a while, as I was
>lying on my bed. She started pushing her shoulders
>forward and reaching her left arm straight out in
>front of her, as though she were a zombie and pointing
>at something. Then she'd relax, roll her shoulders
>back and sit down. A few seconds later, she'd lean
>forward and the arm would be outstretched again. She
>did this several times.
>When I picked her up to dose her, I learned the hard
>way she'd been out of her cage too long - she peed all
>over me. Silly Mom, she needed a potty break!
>She's getting to the point where she REALLY doesn't
>want the vitamins. Last night and this morning she
>really squirmed and chirped and chittered at me. I may
>try mixing the vits into her yogurt and giving them to
>her that way this afternoon - that sounds like a
>really good suggestion!
>And she must know she needs it, because I gave her a
>bit of broccoli last night and she actually ate some
>of it. I won't say she ate a lot, but it's a start!
>She ate a mealworm too. She didn't look nearly as
>perky yesterday or this morning as she did two days
>ago. Hopefully she's just sleepy and a little cranky
>with her Nurse Mom.

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