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Date Posted: 07:21:55 02/25/07 Sun
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: unio-cas1-cs-17.dial.bright.net /
Subject: Re: Strange Info From Vet - Now What?
In reply to: Becca 's message, "Strange Info From Vet - Now What?" on 10:43:28 02/24/07 Sat

After consulting with my expert I was told this.
If the calcium levels are normal, stop the D3.
D3 is processed in the liver so if there is a liver
problem extra D3 could cause more problems.
As for the phosphorous, hard shelled nuts and most
fruits have higher levels of phosphorous.
What kind of water are you giving her? They should
not get softened water and some city water has too
many additives like chlorine. You can let chlorinated
water set in an open picture to let the chlorine
evaporate out. Or buy a filtered untreated bottled
water. I know someone that lost some rare primitive
small animals to kidney problems using city water.
After switching water they did fine.

>Now I'm really confused. The vet called back and said
>that her blood calcium levels are within normal
>bounds, but her phosphorus is low and her liver
>enzymes are elevated.
>She still isn't active very much (I have yet to see
>her come out of her nest box and she doesn't even poke
>her nose out when I call her name like she usually
>The vet wants to put her on antibiotics in case she
>has an infection, and is consulting with a
>Her symptoms are hallmark MBD, yet her calcium levels
>appear normal. I guess the question I have is, should
>I continue with the vitamin D (today is day 8 of 3x
>per day Vitamin D3, Calcium cocktail dosing)?
>Have you seen MBD symptoms but not had it be MBD? How
>do I get her more phosphorous? I'm so confused and
>worried for her. I just want to do the right thing,
>but even the vet seems at a loss to figure out what to

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