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Date Posted: 14:22:26 03/06/07 Tue
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: unio-cas1-cs-29.dial.bright.net /
Subject: Re: Introducing myself and Moe!
In reply to: Shauna and Moe 's message, "Introducing myself and Moe!" on 21:20:11 03/04/07 Sun

You seem to be doing good already. Don't be too complacent
about interacting with your flyer. They need to know soon
that they can trust you. If you let them take their time
they may not get around to bonding. You already found that
waking them suddenly is not appreciated. lol Pet her, or
touch her, as much as possible to get her used to that.
Try to get her to sit on your hand to get treats. Give
small treats that can be eaten quick so she don't want to
take them elsewhere to eat them.

>Hello all! My name is Shauna and I am happy to
>announce that finally, after searching for a couple
>months, I have found her! I was introduced to Flying
>Squirrels by my boyfriend and instantly started
>researching. I was moved by all the stories I had
>read and began the search for a fuzy friend of my own.
> Finally, after a few dead ends and unanswered emails,
>I found her! While on another Squirrel forum, someone
>had mentioned a pet store in WA that sold exotic
>animals and if anyone had heard anything about them.
>Though I prefered getting my baby from a breeder, I
>figured if i checked them out and they seemed okay,
>why not. i checked them out and knew that i had found
>her. a week later I had my baby Moe!
>we went for her vet check up and she was given a clean
>bill of health. it took a couple days for her to get
>some what used to her surroundings but now, a little
>over 2 weeks later, she is settling in. I have only
>been bit once. . .normal i am guessing and i think i
>deserve it because i woke her up from a pretty deep
>sleep. she now will take food from my hand and allows
>me to pet her. she isnt as resistant to getting in
>her pouch and seems to enjoy spending the day with me.
> my boyfriend gave me a tent that I do homework in and
>she just runs around free at night. We tried the
>bathroom but she managed to get under the cabinet and
>it isn't capable of being squirrel proof so the tents
>the best thing I think. Any other ideas?
>How long is normal till she really trusts me and gets
>comfortable? How bonded do they get? Im patient and
>love her already. Thanks for the stories guys, I hope
>I can soon share more of our own.
>We look forward to hearing back from you about
>anything I could possibly do to make her happier.
>Shauna and Moe

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