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Date Posted: 17:55:53 04/10/07 Tue
Author: Dennis
Author Host/IP: unio-cas1-cs-24.dial.bright.net /
Subject: Re: Flyer Emergency!
In reply to: Becca 's message, "Re: Flyer Emergency!" on 08:15:37 04/09/07 Mon

Glad to hear she is getting back to normal. They can
be trying at times but sure worth the effort. You
did good.

>I know it's been AGES, but I wanted to give you all a
>HUGE thank you and an update. (the delay in update is
>due to the fact that I got ridiculously sick too and
>spent the entire month of March on much the same meds
>as my baby girl, steroids and antibiotics).
>She's healthy!! She seems to have made a(n almost?)
>full recovery. She still sometimes does the sit still
>and puff up repeatedly thing (which almost looks like
>a mini-seizure? I'm not sure), but she's regained full
>use of her legs, is sitting normally, eating like a
>champ and crazy active again! She has even started
>making small flights, though seems unsure about it.
>We'll get there!
>I truly owe this all to you guys and to Dr. Herko, her
>wonderful wonderful vet. Thank you for all of your
>help and kind words of encouragement. It was a really
>scary and traumatic experience (more for her than for
>me), and I vow it will NEVER happen again.
>She gets yogurt every other day, and I give her
>vitamins in the yogurt once or twice per week (I don't
>want to overdo it). She LOVES the yogurt. I've been
>trying to get her to eat broccoli or kale, but she
>really doesn't touch it. She loves her mealworms and
>her apples the best. I put a wheel in her cage, and am
>hoping she'll learn to use it so she gets even more
>She seems to think I'm her potty now, which is new
>behavior (and she still has some wet stool, which is
>messy), but given how much she's healed, I'm not
>complaining! I'm hoping the yogurt and cheerios will
>help the wet part...
>Thanks again everyone from Meke and Mom!

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  • Re: Flyer Emergency! -- Agnes, 01:33:47 04/11/07 Wed (c-75-69-144-34.hsd1.nh.comcast.net/
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