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Subject: Re: round robin

Bob - Cross Stitch Heaven's webmaster
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Date Posted: 01:45:21 02/17/03 Mon
In reply to: suzi 's message, "Re: round robin" on 11:22:01 02/15/03 Sat

Suzi wrote:

"hi, l have only been stitching for 11 months and have
never done a round robin but would love to have a go,
looking forward to hearing from someone"

Suzi (and anyone else that wants to join in with our club activities),

We organise a lot of this kind of thing in the club section of this website, but first you have to join the club!

To do this, either go to the "Club" link in the main menu, or alternatively send an email to:


Please note that your request has to be approved by one of the club moderators - this is to protect everyone against attempts by "unsuitable" people or spammers from joining.

The club is very much one that anyone in your family can join - and we are working very hard to keep it that way!

So why not give it a go - we have over 350 members and the list keeps growing all the time!


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