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Date Posted: 18:22:04 09/13/02 Fri
Author: The Berean
Author Host/IP: ppp-66-139-128-84.dialup.eulstx.swbell.net /

By Hazel Brown


Most of my life has been spent taking the Gospel of Grace to a people who contest every point and who find many supposed contradictions. The Dispensational study of the Bible answers those supposed contradictions.

At the same time a part of life has been spent in meeting others who believed the Bible yet were going through deep mental and spiritual suffering because they did not understand the absolute need of noting the distinctions between the Dispensation of The Law and the Dispensation of Grace, and in addition, noting that there was a Period of the Announcement of the Kingdom to Israel and a Period of the Offer of the Kingdom to Israel and that there will be in the future a Period of The Tribulation. They were trying to apply to their lives, or someone else was trying to apply to them, laws and teachings that are not for the present Dispensation of Grace, jumbling all together as if there were no dispensations. Thus, disrepute has been brought upon the Word of God. The more one studies the Dispensations, the more one sees the wonderful precision and accuracy of Scripture and the heart is enlivened to worship and appreciate the Lord more. I trust your heart will so respond.

The Dispensations are the foundation for all Bible study. They are like the multiplication tables, when once learned, you use them daily. And without them one is greatly handicapped, to say the least.

The following studies (notes of lessons I have given to Bible Classes from time to time) have been printed by request. A need was felt to have an elementary foundational study and, shall I say, "simple" so it may be grasped by anyone who will sincerely study it. It is like a "beginner's book." Also brevity has been striven for-perhaps it is like a bird's eye view of the subject. I have tried also to cover answers to questions that came up as the material was taught or discussed with friends.

May this series serve to banish confusion and to whet your appetite, give you a "bon appetite," for further study and may you have ever increasing joy in the Word and great usefulness in being able to teach others.

In a message I gave on Astronomy and the Bible I mentioned Serius, the brightest star. It is blue with flashing red rays like darts of fire. At the close a young girl said in great excitement, "I've seen that! But my mother and sister say I am crazy; they do not see what I see." She was not crazy: She had the better eyesight! There is so much to see in the study of the Scriptures, but all Believers have the "eyesight" and may open their eyes to behold the great beauty. May you permit the eyes of your understanding ever to be enlightened, Ephesians 1:15-23.

After you have rear this chapter there are 8 more chapters that will help you to understand “THE DISPENSATIONS.” I would like to send them to you by E-mail.
No contribution will be solicited or accepted. This book is yours absolutely FREE. Your E-mail will not be used for any other purpose.

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The Berean

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