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Date Posted: 12:16:08 11/06/03 Thu
Author: Brandon Kennedy
Author Host/IP: gate1.29palms.usmc.mil /
Subject: Re: Necronomicon
In reply to: Socrates13 's message, "Necronomicon" on 17:01:10 12/30/01 Sun

'I wanted to warn anyone out there who is considering playing around with Lovecraft's book "The Necronomicon" to stay away from it! The book is a serious introduction into the occult realm and will bring dangerous bondage to some incredibly powerful spirits. If anyone has this book in their home, please burn it at once, repent of owning it and seek deliverance from Christ. '

You must have serious mental problems. Lovecrafts book is purely a fictional work and nothing more. It includes some occultic references most of which are completely made up. Reading 'The Necronomicon" is no more dangerous than reading other fictional works having to do with the occult. 'The Stand' for instance, or 'Interview With The Vampire'. Lovecrafts book was meant for entertainment. you have clearly distorted it's meaning. If you honestly think this work of fiction is causing people to do anything more than gasp at a frightening paragraph or jump at a bump in the night you need to seek some psychological help. I am serious I am not being facetious. People like you can be very dangerous when their paranoid delusions get out of hand.

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  • I've read the book ... -- T. Johnson, 15:22:18 10/20/05 Thu

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