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Date Posted: 16:07:28 11/13/01 Tue
Author: Socrates13
Author Host/IP: spider-wb034.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: My Own Activity

I have been working with a couple every weekend. They are essentially New Agers who have an unusually strong faith in astrology and a firm love for animals which we share. The husband does believe in God, but holds out great hope for the earth by deliverance from outer space. We have had some lengthy conversations before. Let's just say that a flat out blasting with the gospel will not work here, but rather a gentle shoving which is what I am doing. We have to have good weather to work on the farm each week. Each week I have prayed that God would give us no rain so we are able to work. My friend commented how it has rained during the week, but not on Saturday. I have shared my own faith in the prayer of good weather, which he believes after 12 weeks of good weather! (Just call me Elijah, just kidding) The wife buries all dead animals on the property. We laid a cat to rest last week and they agreed to allow me to offer a prayer. The prayer was Christian based and was offered more for the benefit of the living than the dead cat. I would appreciate everyone's prayers for this couple that God would continue to work on their hearts, minds and consciences. Thank you.

Soc. 13

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