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Date Posted: 01:41:17 11/14/01 Wed
Author: John
Author Host/IP: HSE-Toronto-ppp182480.sympatico.ca /
Subject: The fields are ripe

It's absolutely amazing how much potential there is out there to preach the Word of God, of you look for it, and are persistent.

I haven't even had to move from that one satanist site to find lush green opportunities.

You just have to notice them.

(Be encouraged, people!)

Check out these leads: I present to you two thread-starting posts on the "registered members" forum section, made by SATANISTS, both with very weak responses:

--posts follow:

---#1: Mistress_Vampira
(newbie )
10/13/01 09:01 PM
Stigmata, exorcist & miracles [Post#: 35625 ]

I was watching a show this afternoon, about "signs of god".
The show was mainly about the phenomena of "stigmata", as most of you know, this happens to anyone of any age and sex. Strange wounds appear on the persons body; wrists and/or hands, feet and forehead. Just like Jesus' wounds when he was crucified. An 8yr old girl had these signs on her body, and her family was certain this was a sign from god. While others thought this was only satan mimicking Jesus...or just a hoax. The rest of the show was about people being "possesed" by satan, and preists chasing away the evil spirits. The last 15mins was about miracles, for example, the one in Portugal I think it was, where 3 children saw the Virgin Mary repeatedly each month. And told them secrets about mankinds future..

After watching the show, I wanted to know what you felt about this. Are you skeptical about all of these things? Do you think most of these "miracles" are hoaxes? Any comments, thoughts or opnions in particular? How do you feel about these situations as a whole?

10/11/01 12:35 PM
Jesus Christ [Post#: 35443 ]


What are your views on the Jesus myth? Has he ever existed? Was he the first hippie? (lol) Or just a regular guy? Or...?

I think this is an interesting topic, since this is a well known character in many cultures and there are many opinions on the subject (well, maybe not here.. he he), and i would like your opinions on the matter.


---again, the main site link is: http://the600club.net/cgi-bin/community/index.pl Watch for the Forum link on a tab at the top. But you can't post unless you register which, fortunately, is very painless.

I feel we could make serious inroads there if we employ a high level/quality of spiritual input.

I'm spread very very thin at the moment but I'm slowly getting myself organized.

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