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Date Posted: 22:14:21 11/11/01 Sun
Author: F.O.R
Author Host/IP: AC9D2320.ipt.aol.com /
Subject: Re: Displaced in War
In reply to: John 's message, "Displaced in War" on 11:55:50 11/11/01 Sun

Well I'm glad we still exist here. I'm not to upset with Randy for closing down DDM. To an extent, I feel his pain, losing a family is a heart wrenching experience. It is hard for me to say what hurts more, losing them, or living without one. The fact that Randy tries so hard to help his family shows the truth of his heart. Without that heart, DDM would not exist. Without a heart, it is difficult to invite christ in. Randy's heart helped bring me to my current status. He has my patience, and ultimately I respect his decision. As for my resolve? I have free will yes, but as it is said there is only one right path. My true struggle in life is walking the path God has fated me to travel. God is more than just an embodiment of good, he is a creator of all, of time, of will, of fate, of balance. He is eternal, and omnipresent. We all play the part we are meant to. My life is another cog in the wheel. If the dead disciple is meant to survive in it's current etheral form of the net, then it shall be so. Perhaps though we are meant to take another path, maybe the ministry will lead forth into the physical world more than this highway of information. If Randy is not able to lead us, or if it is Gods will to let him take a rest, then so be it. It may yet again be his will for him to lead us again. We should not fear change gentlemen. For there is nothing we can do to stop it. We can try our hardest to force fate towards another destination, but some things are not meant to be handled under our discretion. Now more than ever we need to ask God of his will. Pray that we have the strength to deal with the changes to our paths. Pray that Randy has the strength to cope, to handle his responsibilities to his God and his family. Trying to make a family work is not an easy burden to handle, and it's his responsibility to see to it he gives it his all. John you are in my prayers, Socrates as are you, and Pennance who has become so distant from me, you are too. I wish I knew how you fared these days. I have not talked to Randy in some time as well. The sorrow in my part shares a piece of his pain, as it does with the pain of the world. There is little more to cling onto in this life now than my honor and my love for my friends and family. Gentlemen, as long as I am able, and we walk with God, you have my support. God bless.


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