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Date Posted: 14:17:27 02/06/03 Thu
Author: Anthony
Subject: campervan
In reply to: Jill 's message, "campervan" on 08:24:19 05/31/02 Fri

We have a '96 Eurovan in which we have been to the west coast of U.S. and Canada, twice (from Ontario). We mostly camped in campgrounds but did stay a few times in rest areas where trucks park for an overnight rest, and a few times on side streets when we visited friends in cities. In Whistler B.C. there were no commercial campgrounds and everyone camping parked in a huge field that was used like a parking area, at no cost; and that was allowed. Otherwise we do not know of other rules. K-Mart security also invited to stay overnight if we wished...but we did not.
If you can travel in the early spring, campgrounds are not crowded, and facilities are available in some places. Good luck.
keep us posted.
p.s. We recommend Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, where the Prairie Oasis campground and Motel is excellent, and in the city there is an exellent Temple Gardens Mineral Spa, a natural hotsping water brought up to a nicely kept and run Hotel in town. You do not have to sleep in the hotel to use their Spa pool (large indoor-outdoor, on 4th floor), and fees for the day are very reasonable. Contrary to commonly held views, we found the prairie provinces very enjoyable. We normally returned home via Canada, and headed west via U.S., To Arizona and California.
Good luck

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