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Date Posted: 18:46:07 05/22/04 Sat
Author: kirsten
Subject: nidia vs ivory?

ok so I saw the video with ivory putting that salami in nidias butt. That was gross and fucked up, ivory is a major bitch. I can't believe she did that, snow should have stopped her, not that he was much better slapping her on the butt, that was so degrading.
And then when she accidently vacates her bowels due to being, lets face it, RAPED by ivory, snow laughs. Jesus christ, I don't understand why nidia doesn't sue? Maybe she is just ashamed and wants people to think the rumors are just rumors but the video is getting easier to find. I think ivory and snow are going to get in a lot of trouble. Nidia should kick ivory's ass if you ask me although I must admit it seemed ivory was just too strong and downright mean for nidia to have a chance against her. Someone needs to do something. This is way worse than the iraqi humiliation and its americans doing it to an american!
Disgusting. If nidia is reading this, chin up, you have nothing to be ashamed of, if ivory was plunged like that downstairs she would probably have an accident as well.
If I were you I would be making calls to ensure ivory gets hers that was just not right!

But hey, I'm not complaining about the jerry lawler/ kurt angle video, even though I feel sorry for kurt I just can't help but be turned on when watching lawler hammer away at his all american butt. The blood and tears were a little much but all in all its gotten me off many times.

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