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Dragon Lair- Are You Worthy?
*As you walk, you see a cave opening.* Well, why not?*You ask yourself then you enter.When you enter, you see that it's this dark, gloomy, musty, pitch black gloomy cave. Then, suddenly a bright light comming from the oppisite end. It's blinding! All of a sudden a dragoness appears! Then the light goes into the the rest of the cave and then you see that you are SURROUNDED by dragons! Then the dragoness talks.*Welcome. You have entered the Dragon Lair. Here you come to prove your bravery. Of course you may also come for an item, and mabe even a power. *She says, then looks around at the others.* Hello, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Ocean, the lead dragoness of this place. I'm in charge, but as are the others. The others you see are the other dragons and dragonesses that you will have to get past in order to get what you wish. There is __________, the dragon/ess of fire, ___________, the dragoness of water, ________, the dragoness of weather, _________, the dragoness of air, S†erling, the dragon of earth, and Ocean, the dragoness of exotic(which includes all this and anything else you can think of.) Well, I hope you decide to try.*And with that, she flies back to her position, then you notice that they each have a position, all in a circle circled around you, each above their symbol.* So, who would you like to challange?

We are curently looking for other dragons and dragonesses. When I'm gone, S†erling is the lead dragon lair dragon. If you are interested in being a Dragon Lair Dragon/ess, S†erling and I will interview you, but the important part is that your active!

  • "hi!" -- sunchaser, 17:51:45 10/06/02 Sun
    sunchaser trots up, unafraid of the towering dragons. " Can I have a quest of mental strengh so that I may recieve the power to morph into a human at any time?"

    (ooc: this may sound like the request before mine, but I dont care, lol)

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  • Dragoness enters -- Flame, 18:19:52 09/01/02 Sun
    *Notest that your fire icon is emty, I'm active, but I have expireance testing. If its no troble, would you at least consider me?*

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  • ^Yearling wolf trots in^ -- Haryon, 23:21:15 08/31/02 Sat
    I wish to challenge any dragon to a physical challenge for a power. Maybe the power of being able to change the color of my fur and eyes when I wish.

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  • The tiny dragon buzzesup to Ocean.>> -- Timeline, 14:21:51 10/02/02 Wed
    I am interested in being a dragon here. I may be small, but I have a mighty big brain. If it's possible I would like to be the dragon of air, if not any other would be fine as well. He bows respectfully.

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  • "dragons! I want a reply" -- sunchaser, 22:10:39 10/04/02 Fri
    He shakes his mane, and rears."Answer me dragons, for I am not afraid of the dark, and what I can't see. I will do anything for my young one, anything at all.."

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  • *She laughs, beat ya!* -- Dream Seeker, 08:21:24 09/28/02 Sat
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  • steps up boldly and bravely, for a power -- sunchaser, 20:29:06 09/27/02 Fri
    "I would like a challange!" he says, trying to be brave.

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  • a beautiful silver mustang mare strides in, unafraid -- Glorindiel, 14:50:14 09/13/02 Fri
    I wish to prove my bravery, how can I do so?

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  • Stallion walks in I wish to challenge any Dragon for a power. -- Jurassic, 17:19:05 08/22/02 Thu
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  • -Whitesmoke, I challenge you to a battle for a power- -- AN, 14:31:27 09/23/02 Mon
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  • ~The Dancer of Night~ -- Night Dancer, 16:43:26 09/20/02 Fri
    "I wish for a present for my mother, I want to get something for her because she adopted me.I don't know what to get her.Plz give me a Quest, and if I suceed(sp?) then plz give me a special present for my mother.I would be very honored(sp?)if you give me a quest."

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  • Comes in ready to bolt>>>> -- Willow Dream, 23:31:29 09/20/02 Fri
    "Can I please challange for a lute? A well made one? I don't care what type of challange."Looks at you with her Blue eyes, her silver hide gleaming.

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  • A turtle ambles in. . . -- Harry, 08:43:56 09/04/02 Wed
    A mud-green turtle ambles in with a paper and pen in his mouth. Humbly he looks up at the great dragons with much awe. Unable to speak, he nudges the paper towards one. It reads:

    Greetings, Dragons and Dragonessi of the lair.
    My name is Harry. I suppose you can see by now that I am unable to speak the language of dragons and horses; that is not a gift born unto me. I can, however, jot down almost anything needed. I come here for a mental challenge from one of you; a challenge for an item or gift worthy for my mistress. She saved my life, and I feel deeply that I owe her something. Would it be too much to ask for a silver necklace? Just a plain, fine silver chain, with a locket on it that when opened plays "This Is The Song That Never Ends"?

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  • The dragon returns, lazily. -IM back, Im back.- -- Missing Link, 16:55:04 09/20/02 Fri
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  • ok... here's the deelio.... -- Rikku, 20:55:16 07/13/02 Sat
    i'm currently on a quest, and i need to find a red dragon and achieve a red dragon scale from it. can anyone help me?

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  • is rikku still on -- rhapsody, 20:57:24 09/15/02 Sun
    is still on rikku cause i just wanted to say thats a cool name

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  • "I wish to have the powers of a healer, a mental challange would be right for this power" -- Ebony Starlight, 10:15:59 09/08/02 Sun
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  • I seek the power to shift -- Nariel, 15:00:46 09/11/02 Wed
    Greetings! I am Felrianna. I wish to take the mental challenge in order to gain the power to shift shapes. I warn you; I shall not be easily beaten.

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  • *Sighs, overexausted with all the challenges.* Whoever wanted a challenge thingy post to this. -- Ocean, 08:56:28 09/09/02 Mon
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  • I am willing -- Blade, 18:55:58 09/06/02 Fri
    My name is Satan and i am willing to go on the quest. I am 19hh and pitch black. Iaccept every challenge that comes my way. my personality varies. I am willing to challenge Luther. My blood is always boiling. My eyes will burn into your mind like fire. Challenging me means pain or instant death.

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  • hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh -- hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, 18:32:51 09/06/02 Fri

    ^Spring Fling^

    Name: Spring Fling

    Nickname: Fling

    Age: 13

    Gender: Stallion

    Breed: Arabian

    Color: Bay

    Markings: see picture

    Height: 17.hh

    Personality: Is very very very protective and alert,he'd know if someone were comeing a mile away. At times he can be a little scittish and frantic. keeps to himself quite a bit and has become silent, the only exception is if you become close to him.

    Past: Had a very good life ago with a mate and all until a bad situation crossed him a long ago. He'd gotten in a fight that is still unknown to all and remains a mystery. He was killed and now remains a ghost. From than on everyone never mentions it and he does not talk about it. He's changed a lot and now is tipping his scale to the evil side. Now is one of the strongest stallions around and is known for his famous line of slaves. He'd started years ago after his death and has one of the top lines ever known of in a different world but his stock line still remains the best. As a colt he strated from the bottom and worked his way up with his line. I s unknown to some in this land as he mainly deals in another. All to be known about is line is that he worked from the very bottom and now as come far.

    The steed enters swiftly and strong, no pliminarys in his way. His muscles vigerantly work under his pelt momently large and revealingly strong. You can tell that this stallion is by chance the only steed you'd find with such elegance, pride, power, and the apperant looks of an eye catcher. As by seeing thy steed you can tell that he'd not missed a day of an athletic event as it shows that his muscles structual base are strong and that in deed he remain th strongest. He remains alert as his ears perk forward and his neck highly arched. Coming to a stop under a tree he harshly gazes meanly backward. Following behind his foal that remains a slave. He'd just been born a few hours ago and weekly stumbled behind. Looking around thy steed comes to Secret Falls in search of Ocean his old mate. His eyes scan the territory roughly searching for ~Ocean~.

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  • Year old Colt Enters, looking for a mental challenge -- Nameless Colt, 13:37:47 09/03/02 Tue
    I wish to have the power of fire that dances in my eyes, I will accept a mental challenge for this.

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  • ~magic comes in many forms...~ -- Isle B Deir (Blue), 19:33:59 08/21/02 Wed
    ebony mare trots in and nods to White Smoke "I'd like the power of water" her ebony lobes prick forward awaiting a reply

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  • An example of a post for here -- White Smoke, 05:27:22 08/15/02 Thu
    A grey stallion gallops into the scene. "I would like the power to turn into a dragon." - Shadows Death

    "What kind of challange would you like?" - White Smoke

    "Mental." - Shadows Death

    "Alright, I'll give you three riddles. Two out of 3 right, you get the power, one or less right, you walk out powerless, alright?" - White Smoke

    "Sure." -Shadows Death

    "Okay, Riddle number one:
    What has eighteen legs and catches flies?" - White Smoke

    "Let me think......" -Shadows Death

    "Time is ticking, others want a chance." -White Smoke

    "I don't know." - Shadows Death

    "Okay riddle number two,
    What is faster- hot or cold?" -White Smoke

    "Ahhhh, Hot?" - Shadows Death

    "Why?" -White Smoke

    "You can catch a cold." -Shadows Death

    "One more,
    When are cooks mean?" -White Smoke

    "Ummmmm...." - Shadows Death

    " I hope to spen my life doing more than waiting for you." -White Smoke

    "I don't know." -Shadows Death

    "A cook is mean when he beats the eggs and whips the cream. Try again when you learn more." - White Smoke

    The grey stallion leaves, head down low. - Shadows Death



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  • I would like a mental challenge. -- Crystal Storm, 10:20:37 06/26/02 Wed
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