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Date Posted: 17:09:13 10/06/02 Sun
Author: Carinosa
Subject: Her eyes light up with glee. [>>]
In reply to: Ocean 's message, "*Coughs softly, looking at Missing Link* Do I know you?*Raises eyebrow. Then hearing the voice of a mare, turns around.>>>" on 21:37:38 10/05/02 Sat

"That's soooo cool! And thank you so much. Hm ...how about ...the ability to shrink?" The thoughts of catching lots and lots of cuddly things in their holes dances through her mind ...and then the snakes ...she shudders, and thinks of something else. "Well, I think I'd be content with human transfo- Oh! I know! Could I possibly make my player turn into a horse at will?" She glances at Sue, who laughs nervously and forbids it. "Grr. Well then, could I go for a dagger along with human transformation? I'm not trying to get gory or anything, but heck, I am a dark ...anyway, I was hoping perhaps it could have just a bit of something slightly poisonous at the tip. Nothing too lethal, just enough to give an extra sting?"

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