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Date Posted: 22:33:50 12/01/01 Sat
Author: Jer'
Subject: - shakes his head, stubborn streak coming in. He sighs and consents, though taking her hand in the process -
In reply to: Lexi 's message, "*Easily shuts off the diesal and exits the truck, looking radiant in the snow. Slight smirk is set upon lips, sunglasses cover eyes, the common look for her in the olden days, and she calmly walks up to her apartment, stopping at the door and taking out the keys, for he would've locked it of course.*" on 21:36:53 12/01/01 Sat

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  • *She wasn't giving in this time...this was the one time that she wouldn't...not this time. Hand squeezes his tightly however, the only sign she gave. Removes heels to reveal padded feet..it was easier to move without 3" shoes. Is silent, eerily quiet, before she moves toward the door, pulling Jer with her, and gets on the other side of the door, farthest from the knob. Opens it and lets go of Jer's hand in a quick moment, stalking in and holding a billfold open, one of those police leather kinds. Shouts in most assertive, bass voice, one hand holding a gun, the other holding the "badge." *This is the police!! Come out with your hands up! *She was bluffing, of course, but it was well done.* (NT) -- Alexia, 22:39:31 12/01/01 Sat
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