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Subject: Re: learning a new language

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Date Posted: 05:37:25 12/17/11 Sat
In reply to: bcn 's message, "learning a new language" on 12:43:39 11/30/11 Wed

Hi there,

Deep breath and relax, don't give up! take it for me which I had your very same problem but with English :) I'm Spanish and now I've been living in UK for nearly 8 years.. when I was studying English was all a nightmare (same with Spanish grammar at school) I keep swapping letters while writing sentences and stuff like that only because my brain knew them properly but It failed to see they were misspelled.
I gave up "standard" teaching methods for foreign languages and I enrolled instead in courses and modules about stuff I like or wanted to learn, where the language was not the focus of the lecture but the subject... it helped me to be in a environment where I knew I would not be asked to read aloud, or do essays about my hobbies or my dog or tests about grammar. So enroll for something where communication will be minimum to start with but where you need to use a bit of Spanish (like a drawing class, or pottery or music or whatever).
I also found more useful to read on my own time easy books and watch loads of movies and have just a grammar self study book...
Worked for me.

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[> [> Subject: Re: learning a new language

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Date Posted: 12:07:20 12/21/11 Wed

thank you so much.your right i should relax and take my time and that's what i'm going to do.i feel a lot of pressure for friends and colleagues though. they always say how's your Spanish now and i'm like not much better but i'm trying.people mean well but they don't understand how i feel.determined not to give up.bring on the Spanish haha

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[> [> Subject: Re: learning a new language

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Date Posted: 03:48:08 04/18/22 Mon

My brother was adamant about buying assignments, usually writing them himself. But then something went wrong and he urgently had to leave for work in another city, taking the academy for a couple of weeks. During this time, he missed some material and had to resort to a service where there are university assignment writers to help him write what was asked. He did not quite understand how to do this, he missed the topic.

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