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Subject: Re: help with writing

malcolm uk
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Date Posted: 01:39:44 06/08/12 Fri
In reply to: Melodie 's message, "help with writing" on 15:00:50 06/03/12 Sun

Hello Melodie.
Yes there is some software that your son can use . it will help him with the spelling but not his grammar. The dictation software is called NaturallySpeaking Dragon version 11.5 do not go get a lower version than this. If your son dictating to Microsoft Word this may help him with his grammar it will put squiggly lines under the grammar or spelling that are incorrect.
I know this because I have dictated this to you using this software without this software I could not responded to your request as I have severe dyslexia to.
Hope you find this useful.

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[> Subject: Re: help with writing

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Date Posted: 01:00:39 09/15/12 Sat


I am moderatly dyslexic. I find copying an email into word and they hitting spell check before pasting it back helps.

Also printing off anything you are wanting to submit and reading errors this way. I do not see them on the computer and have to do these by hand before transfering them onto the computer.

When he does the above start the editing at the bottom of the document on the computer (back to frount) so he doesnt get confused with the text changing.

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