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Subject: Re: Teaching adults with dyslexia

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Date Posted: 08:46:26 10/19/12 Fri
In reply to: Sue 's message, "Teaching adults with dyslexia" on 18:30:21 09/20/12 Thu

Sue, a program like yours is exactly what I have been looking for! I am an adult dyslexic who is in school to become a special education teacher, and I have been trying to find a way to improve my phonemic awareness.

I had a professor how recommend I look into Ort. Gil., and I found a website (I can't remember the name) that provided a few free samples of their lessons for adults...I found it extremely helpful, even thou it was only a small glimpse into the Ortin method. Unfortunately I don't have the money to continue with any type of paid version.

I have discovered that I need to learn using non-since words vs real words, otherwise I don't learn anything. Using words I already know allowed me to "cheat" because I already "knew" what sounds the word made, yet if you to ask me why the word was pronounce the way it was I wouldn't be able to tell you. To truly grasp the concept I really need to learn with words that I don't know, so that then I am not distracted and I can truly concentrate on the concept being taught. You might want to try fake words and see if this helps you.

Where are you located, or do you know of a way I can find someone in my area (Orlando, FL) that tutors adults with Dyslexia? Also, do you happen to know of any free or very low cost software programs, etc. that are gear towards adults?

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[> Subject: Re: Teaching adults with dyslexia

Bill Madigan (Educator)
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Date Posted: 07:07:12 10/27/12 Sat

Dear Sue,
I believe that the cause of your difficulty lies is the fact that the condition that we refer to as dyslexia differs from person to person. That being said there are two approaches that efficiently and effectively remediate the causes of dyslexia.
One is the traditional route of getting a complete psycho-educational evaluation to determine the exact phonological and cognitive causes of the condition and then building and implementing an educational therapy program based on the diagnosis. Second would be to assume that the individual has a deficit in all of the cognitive and phonological areas that impact the ability to read and providing educational therapy to treat them all. This second method can very often be more cost effective especially when done on the internet as we do at www.edugamestar.com.
I hope this helps.

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