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Subject: Is there an answer

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Date Posted: 13:27:23 01/01/13 Tue

I was diagnosed as a child with Dyslexia. That was in 1972. Much has changed, but not the stereotype that everything which is written transposed or backward is because of this "miscommunication."
I went back to college and finish a BS is Health Science. (3.48 GPA) and extra credits needed for acceptance into medical school. Writing the copious about of papers did not seem to be a problem for me. Although I had test anxiety, I had been able to stifle it long enough to have descent grades. My grades were strong enough to earn me a seat in a Physician Assistant program. I was so proud of myself, as no one had ever thought I would ever really be academically successful. At 49 I was the first college graduate in my family.
After six months of basically drowning in class work, and having to sit exams where each question was allotted one minute to answer, I WITHDREW. My cumulative GPA was not strong enough to keep me in the program. ( 3.0 was needed, I had a 2.85) My heart is broken, and once again it seems the dyslexia has yanked away my confidence.
I am writing this; not for answers, but for a need to share. No one knew about what I have struggled with over the past 40 years. I did get retested between semesters so there would be some sort of accommodation for me, but only to extend each question on the exams by 30 seconds. All the reevaluation did was make me feel as if I was "that kid" who was different. ( although I am 49).
Right now....at this moment, I feel defeated. Is there anyone else out there who has pushed themselves past their learning capability? Is it possible? I still have a desire to work as a Mid-level clinician. As a veteran of Respiratory Therapy, I have been very successful and accomplished, but the fire is still there to provide more to people in need.
Are there any programs or seminars which can increase or help one learn at the fast pace required in Med School?
Thank you...

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