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Subject: Ihope things getter

mark kirchner (mark kirchner)
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Date Posted: 03:28:50 08/17/13 Sat

My dyslexic story. I am now 55 years old and have dyslexia my entire life. Till the ages 25 I never knew I have dyslexia. It's never stop me from trying to get the best out of life. And them after 33 years I lost my best friend and my house. And now its a real challenge to try to get insurance. And to keep up with the bank account and electric bills in cable bills. I can't seem to figure out passwords. For the life of me I can't figure out why I can't type them and make them work. I'm trying to keep a tract of my checking account is turned out to be quite a challenge. I'm trying to get people to help me with them things is even a bigger challenge. And sometimes I spend days trying to solve password problems. I can't seem to get a home aid worker. And sometimes my daughters don't seem to think I'm trying hard enough. You can't prove it when you can't show in the accomplishments. I'm very puzzle what life is in store for me. How does a person get insurance. How does somebody get a mortgage. But I do think God for my iPhone which makes it so I can play Paul this and put it down on paper. Maybe there's more tools to be had I can't wait until I find. If anybody has any ideas how Maybe someday life will have me again. For now I guess just love sleepless nights. Thank you for reading my story.

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