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*she looks aroundt ehn laughs* | Lila | 12:30:34 01/19/02 Sat |
* a large badger walks up to them* ....... | Sunflair | 15:22:58 01/19/02 Sat |
dont worry bout it. you want some october ale? where ya from, an wots brought ye to these parts? (NT) | Sunflair | 15:58:02 01/20/02 Sun |
Okay.... | Sunflair | 06:59:45 01/21/02 Mon |
*chuckles at the little one* Ouch, you got a good grip there missy. *Turns to Eagle Eyes* so where you guys from, and what happened to her father if she thinks I'm him? *Yells his war cry just for her* (NT) | Sunflair | 14:48:57 01/23/02 Wed |
No she aint mine. She did or ash? I'd be more'n happy to take 'er in though. Sunburst huh? well, thats a nice name. *smiles* ..... | Sunflair | 12:40:09 01/24/02 Thu |
lol! I'll remember that! I dont have a girl friend to fill the spot. thats wat happens... and that would be how things were. (NT) | Sunflair | 14:40:37 01/25/02 Fri |
Mirrior land? (NT) | Sunflair | 07:51:44 01/26/02 Sat |
*would look confused but has decided not to be suprised by anything* And who are you? *smiles* | Sunflair | 12:52:25 01/30/02 Wed |
So is little miss Sunburst yours? (NT) | Sunflair | 09:25:22 02/03/02 Sun |
them? i thought there was only one baby. Oh, by the way, you are more then welcome to stay as long as ye like (NT) | Sunflair | 10:38:20 02/03/02 Sun |
- *laughs* -- Sunlight, 21:25:16 02/05/02 Tue
Oh, I see. whats with the mirror land thingy? (NT) | Sunny | 12:39:21 02/06/02 Wed |
Guess so (NT) | Sunny | 12:44:27 02/07/02 Thu |
Your welcome to stay. Its nice having someone to talk to besides myself. (NT) | Sunflair | 19:38:32 02/16/02 Sat |
*Looks around the forts and Redwall.* Oh, with all the peolpe we have here I think your right. *winks* Actualy, those are the first dibbuns that av been here. The sites big, but the members are few. How many of you are there? I'm sure between Redwall, and the three forts we have theres plenty of room. (NT) | Sunflair who has a distant look in his eyes | 12:40:48 02/18/02 Mon |
*nods* Well, I'll set you up on the members list asap.... *Looks at the still sleeping babes* So you think they'll like it here? (NT) | Sunflair | 13:39:47 02/19/02 Tue |
Welcome back! How have you been? ... both of you.... all of you? (NT) | Sunny | 16:14:24 04/24/02 Wed |
*Chukles* Well, I guess I can add two more to the family. Say, what are your emal addresses so I can send you the newsletter? (NT) | Sunny | 14:17:05 05/12/02 Sun |
*Chukles* Well, I guess I can add two more to the family. Say, what are your emal addresses so I can send you the newsletter? (NT) | Sunny | 14:19:22 05/12/02 Sun |
- *they nod* -- Sunburst and Lila, 10:22:50 05/18/02 Sat