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Subject: Sunflair

General Sierra Hoods or Fort Rathdau
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Date Posted: 18:55:18 02/26/02 Tue

G'day Old friend, I've come to visit with you! Does God see you well these days? God forbid I'm ever cut any slack. Busy busy busy. run run run. one would think I've taken it upon myself to train for a marathon! In my dreams.

OOC: It is snowing outside and there is no living with Avian. I don't mind it, I luv 2 ski! However, Avian needs a good kick in the pants. she is so unruly! who gives a damn about the track season being moved back?

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*laughs* Welcome old friend. We now have two young uns as members, so watch the language. I'd be more than happy to give her the kick. *looks out a window* i love snow too... the only problem is we dont have any major places to go to snowboard. The biggest thing we have here is the on ramp of interstates! (NT)Sunflair the snow badger19:59:44 02/27/02 Wed
I'd try that, the only problem is that they plow the roads other wise it might work. Tis nice to see you and your wife at the fort. You 2 hungry or want a drink? I baked scones this morning and brought up a keg of ale. The scones are edible by the way. I've had some and I'm still ali *falls to the floor dead* (NT)Sunny21:22:59 07/11/02 Thu
Uh oh sunny's dead :o (NT)Marthon22:19:54 07/14/02 Sun
*nods* that could be a problem (NT)Sunflair ee snow badgur09:45:56 07/17/02 Wed
Ya (NT)Marthon21:34:20 07/21/02 Sun

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